Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for Equipment Leasing Registration Authority (ELRA)

1. What is ELRA?

ELRA is the Equipment Leasing Registration Authority, a regional organization committed to fostering a secure and transparent environment for the leasing industry. We facilitate the growth and stability of the leasing sector, promoting economic development and ensuring the protection of all stakeholders involved.

2. What are the benefits of registering a lease with ELRA?

Registering a lease with ELRA provides a number of benefits to both lessors and lessees, including:

* Increased legal certainty and enforceability of leases
* Reduced risk of fraud and disputes
* Improved transparency and accountability in the leasing market
* Increased access to capital and finance for businesses
* Enhanced protection for consumers and investors

3. Who is required to register a lease with ELRA?

All leases of equipment (new or used) over a certain value are required to be registered with ELRA. The specific threshold for registration varies from country to country.

4. How do I register a lease with ELRA?

To register a lease with ELRA, you can create an account on our website and submit the required information online.

Register with us to become a LesseeLessorBroker

ELRA is a government agency responsible for fostering a secure and transparent environment for the leasing industry in your region. ELRA's primary objective is to facilitate the growth and stability of the leasing sector, promoting economic development and ensuring the protection of all stakeholders involved.